Attorney Websites and Search Engine Marketing. A professional website for your law firm should be a necessity. Any law firm without a representation of their business online is likely losing out on many potential clients. The reason? Because in today’s digital world, more and more consumers are searching online for businesses, of any kind.
This is especially important for law firms because of the investment and amount of money that is likely to exchange hands – the more trusted and professional you seem, the more likely it is that you will see your client retention rate increase. And the information people need to determine if you are a trustworthy, knowledgeable attorney is generally found on the internet. But it isn’t enough to have a great website; you must also consider how consumers will find your website. That’s why attorney website design and Search Engine Marketing go hand-in-hand – one cannot succeed without the other.
Search Engine Marketing refers to the various processes which will improve a website’s search engine ranking – or, rather, how close it is on the top of Google’s list. Naturally, every business would like to be #1 for their search terms, but in this competitive world it is not so simple to achieve. An attorney website’s search engine ranking is largely determined by Google’s algorithm, which is constantly changing. This algorithm takes various factors into consideration when determining which websites to serve to its searchers – including history, authority, relevance, and many others. At Law Promo, we are constantly researching any changes to this algorithm and determining the best strategies for each individual client. To learn more about how your website could achieve maximum results for your law firm, contact us today!