Identity: Connecting to the Community

Identity: Connecting to the Community. Connecting with your community is essential for any legal professional looking to expand their client base. This is a particularly useful strategy for sole practitioners and firms that work cases in one particular jurisdiction and/or within a niche practice area.

A website is a perfect avenue to highlight your connection to locals, contributions to your field, and track record in your city. There are numerous means of establishing this sense of narrative fidelity and it depends on your practice area.

If you are a criminal attorney working primarily in one city, a summary of case dismissals and the courthouse in which you achieved the favorable verdicts shows your potential clients that you have a strong connection to the local system and understand how it works. Each practice area has its own nuances but regardless of the practice area, using imagery specific to a region such as landmarks or the local skyline can help earn your visitor’s trust. To compliment images you can even utilize a region-specific color scheme as long as you keep it professional.

Additionally, listing your affiliations or volunteer work can never hurt. Since you’ll be helping people achieve their goals or solve a dilemma, showing that you do so in your spare time with people in need can go a long way. If you’ve already invested in a website, these are points to consider and if you haven’t already, it is worth incorporating all of the above (when applicable) to establish yourself or your firm as the “go-to” attorneys in town.