Website For Business Litigation Lawyers

Website For Business Litigation Lawyers. Today we want to showcase one of our works-in-progress. Upon first glance, the viewer is instantly engaged by the strong background image slider that features pictures with rich color tones. The gradual transition between photographs of law books and a courtroom works seamlessly with the overlaid text elements.

Each image is slightly degraded into black, which provides a nice contrast without breaking up the visual effect. You’ll also notice a strong call-to-action below the slogan, encouraging visitors to “get more information,” in a bold red shade with the same black degradation effect. We’ve also laid out several practice areas over the banner image to draw attention to the areas of law they retain most clients for. You’ll notice the small graphic icons present with the same dark blue and red shades used in a contrasting way to bring more visual interest.

In the header of this site, you see a dark blue logo and large contact info to ensure the most important information is easily accessible. Underneath the banner image and practice area boxes there is a sleek, translucent white banner that stretches the entire width of the window that highlights their experience and accreditations, with an additional call-to-action to learn more about their practice. Below we’ve included a sidebar in similar dark red/black gradients to list all of their practice areas, laid out in an informative way that’s easy for readers to digest. The footer also lists contact information and social media channels, offering clients an additional way to connect. This site will also be fully responsive, meaning that no matter how you’re viewing it (iPhone, tablet, laptop) it will scale beautifully and look perfect on any device.