Key Components of a Law Firm Website Redesign

Key Components of a Law Firm Website Redesign. Legal websites are commonplace nowadays. But if you’re boasting outdated content and shabby design, opening your website can be a little like staring at the sun. At Law Promo, we don’t just create new websites, we also love to update and redesign existing sites for the digital age.

On average, a website has a 3-5 year lifespan.  The Internet is a rapidly evolving beast, and keeping up with modern times takes time and work.  Updating an entire website might seem like a terrible ordeal, but it really doesn’t have to be that bad.  In the end, your website will look great, bring in more traffic and expose your law firm to a greater number of potential clients.

Let’s talk about two important parts of the redesign process: design and content.

First impressions are huge, and there’s nowhere that’s truer than the legal industry.  Would you show up to a meeting with a first-time client wearing a cheap suit from 10 years ago?  No?  Then why should you be complacent with your outdated and inefficient site?  In the last five years alone, web design has come a very long way.

Modern websites look good not only on desktop computers, but also on smartphones, tablets, and every device in-between.  The structure and layout of each page fluidly change for optimal display and interaction on each device, a design approach known as responsive web design.  With more users accessing the Internet with mobile devices, responsive design is here to stay.  Additionally, responsive websites rank higher on search results.

Content is another important part of your redesign. Undoubtedly your law firm has undergone some changes and developments in the past few years.  Does your content reflect these changes?  You could be missing out on critical SEO and client opportunities if your site is promoting lazy content.

Good content fills different roles.  Search engines favor sites with unique, quality content that implements keywords relating to your law firm and practice area in a smooth, organic way.  In addition, good content can connect with your readers and clients in a more personal way, further allowing them to see your story and understand your capabilities.

Different types of content include home and profile pages, case results, static pages, and legal blogs.  Combining these types of content in your redesign helps create your voice and modernize your law firm’s brand.

The website design experts at Law Promo have tons of experience redesigning and updating and law firm websites.